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DOK – Democracy is OK

„Ja, zwykły, szary człowiek, taki jak wy, wzywam was wszystkich – nie czekajcie dłużej. Trzeba zmienić tę władzę jak najszybciej, zanim doszczętnie zniszczy nasz kraj; zanim całkowicie pozbawi nas wolności”. – Piotr Szczęsny, "szary człowiek" (19.10.2017)

Polish law sparks fears over judicial independence

Since sweeping back to power in October after eight years in opposition, the PiS has taken several controversial steps that critics have denounced as undermining the independence of both the media and the judiciary.

The legislation giving the govern…

29 stycznia 2016

Policy Network – Facing up to the radical right: Lessons from central and eastern Europe

Most recently, the politicisation of anti-immigration rhetoric throughout many parts of Europe, as well as the success of mainstream advocates of ‘illiberal democracy’ in Poland and Hungary, have yet again shown that issues central to the radical r…

29 stycznia 2016




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