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DOK – Democracy is OK

„Ja, zwykły, szary człowiek, taki jak wy, wzywam was wszystkich – nie czekajcie dłużej. Trzeba zmienić tę władzę jak najszybciej, zanim doszczętnie zniszczy nasz kraj; zanim całkowicie pozbawi nas wolności”. – Piotr Szczęsny, "szary człowiek" (19.10.2017)

Krzysztof Łoziński, Necessity to establish KOD (2015-11-18)

When I am reading the comments on articles in SO (Studio Opinii, Studio of Reviews), I notice that the question what to do in the face of open attempts to dismantle democracy made by Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (Law and Justice) is often raised. I shall not name them, as everyone knows which actions I’m referring to.

My idea is as follows: it’s necessary to establish KOD, Komitet Obrony Demokracji (Committee for the Defense of Democracy) working on the principles similar to those which KOR (Workers’ Defence Committee formed in 1976) was founded on. There is nothing wrong in copying KOR, despite the fact that some of its members and collaborators (Macierewicz, Kaczynski …) had turned later to the dark side. It’s not about the same people, but the method of operation, which proved successful.

Therefore, a group of people must converge, ideally, with acknowledged authorities among them who would become the official members of KOD. These members would represent KOD openly under their own names, and would sign the documents and emerge in public. The second group would be composed of people not formally affiliated with KOD, people who would support gathering informations (legal means only, no stealing, spying, bugging or taping, etc.), distribution of materials, fundraising. These people; by design; should not need to be included in a formal structure, with subordination, leadership or issued commands.

Why like that? Because in case of declared members it would be very difficult to prosecute them Even communism had problems with that. What to accuse them of exactly? The defense of democracy? Unpolitical! Maybe this is conspiracy? Well, not really, because they operate openly. KOR’s greatest strength was acting mostly within the constitutional law. It was defending certain fundamental values, and not against the state in general. KOR never declared overthrowing the regime, nor did it call for violence, nor did it declare hostility to power. It just stared power on the hands and pointed out its civil rights infringements. So it should be now. The organization contesting general election results would fall very quickly. KOD should be officially a registered organisation as long as possible. It should not be connected to any particular political party.

And now why the associates shouldn’t be formal members of a hierarchically structured organization? Because with today’s capabilities and operational techniques of such an organization wouldn’t even last three days. But no „services” will be able to deal with the society like a fog, based on social and friendly bonds. With the society of people who gang together to realize spontaneous idea. No one will be able to follow the river to get to the sea, because there is no river and or sea.

Today it’s much easier (for now at least), because we don’t have to create an underground resistance structures. There are newspapers in which we are allowed to publish, there are legal printing-houses, there is the internet, and also we are still allowed to organize meetings and lectures. And please keep in mind that it isn’t the goal to overthrow legally established government, but it is to protect democracy, rule of law, human rights, civic rights and truth. This last one is probably the most important, because we’ve already heard about the politics of memory etc. What is even worse is that communism went only as far as to invent „political economics”, but these people have already created „political physics” and even „political chemistry”.

Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t expect me to do this. I don’t have the required potential. Firstly because I live too far from larger cities, and secondly I’m as old as I am and don’t have as much strength as I used to have. This is not a task for an old, retired person and if such a group of people can’t organize themselves without nudging, then there is nothing anyone can do.


This translation created by DOK Democracy is ok and available under the Creative Commons license BY-ND


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This entry was posted on 20 kwietnia 2016 by in DOKumenty.




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