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DOK – Democracy is OK

„Ja, zwykły, szary człowiek, taki jak wy, wzywam was wszystkich – nie czekajcie dłużej. Trzeba zmienić tę władzę jak najszybciej, zanim doszczętnie zniszczy nasz kraj; zanim całkowicie pozbawi nas wolności”. – Piotr Szczęsny, "szary człowiek" (19.10.2017)

European Parliament To Accuse Poland Of Undermining 'Constitutional Democracy’

The European Parliament tomorrow votes on a resolution accusing the Polish government of undermining “constitutional democracy”, calling for further action if they do not implement decisions from Poland’s highest court.

The resolution is the latest attack on Poland’s centre-right government for overhauling the Constitutional Tribunal — Poland’s highest court — at the end of last year with reforms which critics allege remove checks on government power.

The final text of the draft resolution criticising Poland was agreed on Monday by five of the European Parliament’s political groups —the European People’s Party, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, the Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left and the Greens/European Free Alliance.

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This entry was posted on 12 kwietnia 2016 by in angielski.




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