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DOK – Democracy is OK

„Ja, zwykły, szary człowiek, taki jak wy, wzywam was wszystkich – nie czekajcie dłużej. Trzeba zmienić tę władzę jak najszybciej, zanim doszczętnie zniszczy nasz kraj; zanim całkowicie pozbawi nas wolności”. – Piotr Szczęsny, "szary człowiek" (19.10.2017)

Families welcome Poland’s new child benefit, economists sound alarm

Families in Poland are anxiously waiting to receive their first 500zl (€114) monthly benefit for each second and subsequent child. This was one of the most talked-about election promises announced by the ruling Law and Justice party ahead of its general election victory last October.

As reported by the Financial Times, however, the new child benefit was devised and pushed by the party’s political thinkers, and not its financial experts. Now, the cost of the handout has raised concern in the finance ministry.

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This entry was posted on 22 lutego 2016 by in angielski.




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